Ann Pope, Senior Director at the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), tells Clara Rosales, Senior Public Affairs Manager at Fipra, about how CMA is preparing for Brexit
Natalie Harsdorf, Deputy Managing Director of the Austrian Competition Authority, tells W@Competition about the new merger control thresholds in the country and how the authority is preparing for this change.
Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Acting Chairwoman of the US Federal Trade Commission, tells W@Competition about the role of non-price dimensions of competition in merger analysis.
Rose Webb, CEO of the Hong Kong Competition Commission (CC) tells W@Competition about exciting advocacy work the CC has undertaken to educate business community and society at large about the hard-core antitrust infringements.
W@Competition Interview with Maria João MelÃcias
May 10, 2017
Maria João MelÃcias, Member of the Board of the Portuguese Autoridade da Concorrência, tells W@Competition about private enforcement measures in Portugal, and to what extent they might affect incentives for leniency applications.